

  • Definition :From the mineral "Beryl", an aluminum berylum silcate. Although berylium products are safe to use and handle, the fumes and dust released during fabrication are highly toxic.
  • Discovery :1797 by Loui Micolas Vauquelin of France; First isolated in 1828 by Friedrick Wahler and Antonine Alexandre Brutus Bussy
  • Uses :watch spring, Space shuttle parts, Welding electrodes, X-ray tubes, Computer-laser, Television, Oceanographic instruments
  • Group of Elements :Alkaline Earth Metals(Solid)
  • Atomic Weight :9.01218
  • Oxidation State :+2
  • Melting Point :1278
  • Boiling Point :1290
  • Density ;1.85 g/cm3
  • Electronegativity :1.5